Just found a page detailing cartoon physics at Wikipedia. Here are some of the laws of the world of cartoon characters:
- Explosives will merely burn the character’s skin, even when exploded close-by
- Guns sometimes shoot a flag reading “BANG!” instead of an actual bullet
- Characters running off a cliff or otherwise ending up in high air will only fall after they notice their wereabouts (by looking down)
- When a character starts running, their running legs will be shown for a brief time as the character remains on the same spot, before disappearing in a cloud of dust
- When a character tries to explode dynamite, it usually doesn’t explode the first time (but only explodes when the character checks up on the dynamite)
- Working holes or tunnels in walls can be created by simply painting them
- When a character is exposed to an eletric shock, you will briefly see their skeleton as if x-rayed
- Characters can successfuly hide from view behind trees, no matter how big the character or how thin the tree
- Often characters can pull extremely large objects, as needed, from small pockets or bags (the so-called “magic satchel”)
- A character crashing through a door, wall, fence or the like will leave a detailed silhoute of the character
- Hunters or predators will always try different hunting or trapping methods exactly once (never twice), and mostly always fail
- Companies are named “Acme Corporation” (the acronym ACME can be expanded to “American Company Making Everything”)
- Any damage whatsoever is never permanently lasting, and will not result in death
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